
I started following the Kill Tony podcast sometime in 2014. I’ve seen every single episode and I always make sure to catch all the new ones. After you’ve experienced the entire progression of this show, you realize that you want others to join you on the same bizarre and wonderful journey. (After all, it is The #1 Live Podcast in the World.) That’s why we need a website where new fans can easily watch all of the episodes and discover how enormous the Kill Tony back catalog really is.

Now, this got me thinking. I do web development for a living. So, I’m in a pretty good position to just go ahead and create the kind of website that I’d like to see: Every episode, easy to find and easy to view on any device, like a TV or a phone. Why not? Let’s do it. A little extra work can bring about good things.

And so, here we are.

The current plan is to go through all the YouTube episodes from the newest to the oldest and add them here along with names of guest comedians, band characters, regulars, and other helpful info. The goal is to get all the videos organized, categorized, and easily discoverable.

Once enough stuff is in place, then we can start doing some fun experiments with visualizations, relational data, and fancy nerd-ninja-shit. This site is all just a fun experiment and if anyone else finds it helpful, then that’ll make this guy happy.

Alright people, let’s keep this Fun Train moving along!

Your pal,
